Building Regulation

In order to create and maintain a community based on mutual respect and trust, the administrator and the tenants of “Allin10” commit to comply with this building regulation. Taking into account the characteristics and the residential use of the building, the needs and requirements for a smooth coexistence in it and in order to achieve viability, proper operation and safety of persons, the following rules have been established and are accepted.



1. Expenses for the use of apartments: Expenses required for the regular use of the apartments, i.e., those related to the consumption of electricity, water and sewerage, heating and the provision of wireless internet access.

2. Apartment: An independent individual part of the building, which can be used as a residence. The balconies of each residence are included in the concept of the apartment.

3. Accommodation: The permanent settlement and installation of a third party in an apartment. A third party who resides in an apartment for more than five (5) days, is presumed to have settled permanently in it.

4. Administrator of the building: The natural or legal person, as legally represented, who has been assigned to carry out management operations in the name and on behalf of the managing company.

5. Managing Company: The private company under the name “ANEF IKE FURNISHED APARTMENTS RENTAL SERVICE”, with Registrar no. 152204504000, T.I.N.801227570 and e-mail address, seated in Thessaloniki, at 37a, Themistokli Sofouli Str., as it is legally represented, as well as any other natural or legal person or entity, which enters into its rights and obligations towards the tenants.

6. Apartment equipment: Any component or annex (movable) located inside the apartments, is owned by the lessor and serves the use of the apartment. Components or annexes are in particular electrical appliances, furniture, doors and windows, sanitary ware and decorative items.

7. Authorised personnel: Any person who is assigned to carry out management operations in the name and on behalf of the lessor or the administrator of the building.

8. Visitation: The stay of a third person in the building for a period equal to or less than twenty-four (24) hours.

9. Regulations: This building use regulations.

10. Smoking: The use of products and equipment that produce smoke or steam by burning or heating solid, liquid or gaseous materials.

11. Occupation of common areas: The permanent stay of persons or the placement-installation of things in common areas, in a way that prevents, permanently or temporarily, access to them and is opposed to their intended use.

12. Residence: Covered space used for the accommodation of persons.

13. Pet: Animals of any kind that live with humans.

14. Central notice board: a place for posting instructions and notices addressed by the management company and/or the building manager to tenants and third parties. The central notice board is also available in electronic form at

15. Common equipment: Any component or annex (movable), which is located in a common area, belongs to the lessor and serves the common use. Components or annexes are in particular electrical appliances, furniture, frames, sanitary ware, fitness equipment and decorative items.

16. Common areas: Any external or internal space of the building, except the apartments, the terraces and the premises of the cooperating enterprises.

17. Building: The building located on 8, Kappadokia Street, Thessaloniki.

18. Tenants: Persons who stay in All in 10 Apartments.

19. Instructions: Any written or oral direction and suggestion of the management company and / or the administrator of the building given through their legal representatives and / or their authorised personnel and concerning the rights and obligations of the employees and third parties for the use of the building (apartments and common areas) and the surrounding area.

20. Organised gatherings or events: Pre-scheduled gatherings of a group of people with a common purpose, which take place inside the building or in the surrounding area.

21. Surrounding area: The property of 8, Kappadokia Street, Thessaloniki, except for the building.

22. Collaborating enterprises: Companies or sole proprietorships, which are authorised by the managing company or the administrator of the building to sell products and provide services inside the building. These are specifically those that provide technical services, services of cleaning, use of laundry or other products.

23. Uses of apartments: The uses, which, according to good faith and business ethics, take place in properties intended for dwellings.

24. Third parties: Any person other than the management company, the tenants, the building administrator and the authorised personnel.

25. Hospitality: The accommodation of a third party in the building, which does not constitute a permanent installation and lasts for a period of time less than 5 days.

26. Quiet hours: During the summer period the hours between 15:00 to 17:30 and 23:00 to 07:00. During the winter period the hours are between 15:30 to 17:30 and 22:00 to 07:30. Summer period is considered the period from April 1st to September 30th. Winter period is considered the period from October 1st to March 31st. The above applies without prejudice to future legislative provisions amending them.

B. General rules

1. Rights and obligations.

The rights and obligations of the managing company and the tenants of the apartments are provided for by a) this regulation,b) the instructions and c) the law. Violation of the rules contained in the above under a – c constitutes a breach of contractual obligations and has the effects provided for by the contract between the management company and the tenants and by the law.

2. Delivery and return of apartments.

The delivery of the apartments to the tenants is carried out by the management company and / or the administrator of the building or by authorised personnel and is proved by the signing of a document entitled “PROTOCOL OF DELIVERY-RECEIPT OF APARTMENT- INVENTORY”. The return of the apartments by the tenants takes place immediately after the end of the accommodation to the administrator of the building or to authorised personnel and is evidenced by the signing of a document entitled “PROTOCOL OF RETURN-RECEIPT OF APARTMENT”.

3. Exclusion of tacit re-lease. Even if after the expiration of the lease the tenant continues to use the apartment and the landlord knows this and does not object, it is not considered that the lease is renewed indefinitely.

4. Subletting-Concession of use. Subletting and concession of use to a third party in any form, even without consideration, is prohibited.

5. Visiting and hosting third parties.

The visit and hosting of third parties (stay for less than five (5) days) is allowed without any financial consideration. Third parties who visit tenants or are hosted by them have the same obligations as the tenants during their stay in the building. Tenants must inform these persons of their obligations. In case of any damage from them, the tenants are also liable.

6. Third party accommodation.

The stay of third parties in a tenant’s apartment is allowed only with the prior approval of the managing company. The approval is given by the administrator of the building via email. Requests for approval of third-party accommodation must be submitted to the building administrator at least two (2) calendar days prior to the first day of third-party accommodation. dar days prior to the first day of third-party accommodation. The requests are submitted via e-mail to the email address , with the subject “APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESIDENCE” and includes at least the name and apartment of the applicant, the length of the planned stay of the third person, and a statement by the tenant that he has informed the third person of his obligations during his stay. If the request is not answered, it is deemed to be rejected.

7. Additional charges for the accommodation of third persons.

Accommodation of a third person in an apartment beyond the period of hospitality, as defined above, without the prior approval of the manager and the payment of the fee as specified in the Regulation constitutes a breach of contractual obligation on the part of the tenant.

8. Smoking.

Smoking is only allowed outdoors, including the balconies. Smoking is prohibited in the interior of the building (common areas and apartments).In case of latent activation of the smoke detection system, the tenant is charged with 50 euros.

9. Pets.

Pets of any kind are not allowed in the building and the outdoor area, except in special cases.

10. Parking of means of transport.

Parking of any kind of means of transport in the building and its surrounding area is allowed only after conciliation with the administrator.

11. Quiet hours.

Quiet hours must be observed in any instance. Organised gatherings or events during quiet hours are not allowed. Exceptionally and only when deemed absolutely necessary by the administrator, the building administrator or authorised personnel are allowed to carry out works during the quiet hours.

12. Interventions on the exterior of the building.

Any action, permanent or temporary, that affects the exterior of the building, such as, in particular, the display of clothing, the placing of flags, symbols or other insignia, is not permitted.The clothesline is limited inside the balcony and for the shortest possible time.

13. Building security – Security measures – Closed circuit TV monitoring of common areas. Tenants are required to contribute to the security of the building, following the instructions of the administrator and the authorised security personnel.Security personnel may deny entrance to the building to any person that does not meet the security requirements of the building.

14. For the control of incoming and outgoing persons, as well as for the good use of the common areas and the common equipment, the administrator has installed CCTV cameras in the common areas of the building for monitoring and recording. By accepting this Regulation, the tenants state that they provide their consent to the managing company to use these means of monitoring and recording in the common areas, for the safety of the persons and the building, as well as for the observance of the safety and the good use of common areas and common equipment.

15. Inspection of the apartments. The managing company, the building administrator and the authorised personnel are entitled to visit and inspect the condition of the apartments with prior notice to the tenants by email stating the day and time of the visit, at least twenty-four (24) hours before the visit. If it is still not possible to inspect the apartment after the first notice for any reason, the procedure is repeated. If it is still not possible to inspect the apartment for any reason, the managing company, the building administrator or the authorised personnel may enter the apartment by their own means without the tenant’s consent. In this case, no liability of the company arises. The notice requirement does not apply in exceptional cases, such as when tenants breach their contractual obligations, causing danger or harm to any person or the lessor. In these cases, the lessor, the building administrator or the authorised personnel can enter the apartments directly by their own means, without any liability arising for them.

16. Loss of keys – means of access. In case of loss of keys or other means of access to the building or apartments, tenants are obliged to immediately inform the administrator of the building via email to the email address The costs necessary to restore the security of the building and/or the apartments shall be borne solely by the tenant who has lost the keys or other means of access.

C. Rules for the use of the apartments

1. Permissible use of the apartments. Tenants have the obligation to use the apartments exclusively as dwellings. All regular uses of dwellings are permitted under the terms of compliance with the agreement between the managing company and the tenant, unless a use is specifically prohibited.

2. Prohibited uses of the apartments. Any use that is not among the regular uses of dwellings is prohibited. Indicatively, the use of apartments as commercial stores, offices and business premises of any kind, as well as venues for events and gatherings is prohibited.

3. Costs of the use of the apartments. The costs of using the apartments, i.e., those related to electricity consumption, water supply and sewage, heating and cooling, common expenses and the provision of wireless internet services are borne by the managing company. Significant revaluation of these costs by the Billing Organizations gives the Management Company the right to revalue and adjust the rent.

4. Apartment damages. The manager is responsible and bears the costs of repairing damage to the apartments, only if it is caused by the everyday use of the apartments. Damage caused by the misuse by the tenants must be reported to the building manager without delay by email to and in case of emergency by any other appropriate means, in order to be restored immediately by the administrator and under his supervision and at the expense of the tenant who has caused them. It is forbidden to perform works in the apartments by technicians who are not authorised by the lessor or the administrator of the building.

Apartments’ equipment. The equipment of the apartments belongs to the managing company. Tenants are required to use the equipment with increased care, in accordance with the instructions and its intended use, to keep it functional and clean. The removal of the equipment from the apartments or its replacement is prohibited in any case. The ban applies even if the removed equipment from the apartments is replaced with similar of superior quality. The managing company is responsible and bears the cost of replacing the equipment or repairing its damage, only if it is caused by regular use. Damages due to misuse by tenants must be reported to the building administrator without delay via email to and in case of danger by any appropriate means, to be restored immediately under his supervision and at the expense of the tenant who has caused them. It is forbidden to carry out work on the equipment of the apartments by crews or technicians who are not authorised by the management company or the building manager.

6. Interventions inside the apartments. Any remodelling, repair or replacement work inside the apartments may only be carried out by the building administrator and / or authorised personnel. Changes and interventions in the apartment, as well as on installations permanently connected to the apartment’s equipment of any kind by the tenants is prohibited. Especially the creation of holes in the walls of the apartments by any means is prohibited. In case of any violation of this prohibition, the managing company is entitled to demand from the tenant the return of things to the previous situation and the complete restoration of the damage.

7. Obligation to make good use of the apartments and their equipment. Tenants are required to use their apartments and equipment properly and carefully and to take all measures indicated to them by the managing company, the building administrator and / or authorised personnel in order to protect them and maintain their good condition. In case of damage, they are obliged to take any action that they deem necessary or beneficial to limit it, unless there is a risk to themselves, other persons or the lessor. In addition, they are required to notify the building administrator via email to or by any other appropriate means and without any delay for any damage or deterioration of the condition of the apartments and / or their equipment.

8. Cleaning of the apartments. Tenants are required to keep the apartment space tidy and clean, according to the relevant instructions. They are responsible for the regular removal of waste from the apartments. The apartments should be regularly and adequately ventilated. To ensure the hygiene of the apartments, the tenants are obliged to follow the instructions of the building administrator and / or the authorised personnel.The possibility of a cleaning service is provided at the exclusive charge of the tenant.

9. Dangerous objects inside the apartments. Keeping flammable, bulky, polluting, smelly or otherwise dangerous and harmful objects inside the apartments is prohibited. For the safety of the apartments and the building, the installation, maintenance and use of heating and cooling media is not allowed in particular, except those installed by the managing company. If any dangerous objects are found, for any reason, inside the apartments, the building administrator should be notified immediately via e-mail to and, in case of danger, by any appropriate means, so that they may be removed under his supervision and in compliance with all the safety measures provided for.

10. Obligation to limit and tolerate negative effects.

Tenants are obliged to avoid or limit as much as possible the negative effects on the other tenants from the use of the apartments, such as those of sound, noise, heat, vibration and any activity that may adversely affect the use of the apartments by other tenants. Especially for sounds and noises of all kinds, the permissible limit is set at 35 db. Tenants are obliged to tolerate any negative impact, if this is objectively impossible to be avoided or limited or if it comes from the regular use of the apartments, the common areas and the common equipment, provided that the use of their apartment is not significantly affected.

D. Rules for the use of common areas and common equipment

1. Common areas and common equipment.

The common areas and the common equipment are used exclusively by the tenants in accordance with the regulation, the instructions of the administrator of the building and the NPHO and their intended use.

2. Use of common areas and access to them.

The common areas (laundry, fitness room, etc.) remain accessible to all tenants during the scheduled days and hours, as published on the website terms and conditions of use of the common areas are announced in the relevant instructions posted on the above website. Occupancy of common areas is prohibited. The building administrator and the authorised personnel reserve the right to block access to public areas whenever deemed necessary by them, in particular for the execution of works, the prevention of impending dangers and accidents.

3. Obligation to keep common areas in good condition. Tenants must keep common areas tidy and clean. The cost of regular cleaning of common areas is borne by the managing company. Any intervention, permanent or temporary, in public areas is not allowed. If any dangerous objects are found for any reason in the public areas, the building administrator and / or the authorised personnel should be notified immediately, so that they will be removed under their supervi- sion and in compliance with all prescribed safety measures.

4. Damages in common areas. The lessor is responsible and bears the cost of repairing damages in the common areas, only if they are caused by regular use. Damages due to misuse and especially in violation of the instructions, must be reported to the building administrator and / or the authorised personnel via email and in case of danger by any appropriate means, and to be restored immediately under his supervision and at the expense of the person who caused them.

5. Common equipment. The common equipment is owned by the lessor. Tenants are required to use the equipment with increased diligence, in accordance with the instructions and its intended use, to keep it functional and clean. Its removal or replacement is prohibited in any case. The ban applies even if the equipment removed is replaced with superior quality of the same kind.

6. Instructions for the use of common equipment. Instructions for the proper use of common equipment are contained in a document, posted in a prominent place in the area where the equipment is located. Tenants are required to strictly follow these instructions, as well as any other specific instructions given by the building administrator or the authorised personnel.

7. Damage of common equipment.

The managing company is responsible and bears the cost of replacing the common equipment or repairing its faults, only if the damage is caused by regular use. Damage due to misuse and especially non-compliance with the instructions for use, must be reported to the building administrator via email and in case of danger by any appropriate means, to be restored immediately under his supervision and at the expense of the person who caused them.

D. Final Provisions

1. Communication between managing company and tenants. The communication between the managing company and the building administrator on the one hand and the tenants on the other hand will also take place by exchanging emails to and from the e-mail addresses, as they have been announced. Statements against each other, contained in emails, are considered to have been addressed to the person to whom they are addressed, immediately after they have been properly sent to the above email addresses.

2. For anything not regulated by this Regulation and the oral agreement between the Management Company and its contracting parties, the provisions of the law on guest contracts and the Civil Code shall apply.

3. Amendment of the Regulation. Amendments to this regulation are made only by initiative of the administrator. The administrator is obliged to post the amended regulation at the electronic address as well as to send a relevant e-mail to the tenants. After the lapse of three (3) calendar days from the day following the observance of the above formalities, they are considered as agreed and binding.

4. In case of non-compliance of tenants or occupants with this regulation and the law, the Management Company may appeal and request the assistance of the tourist police.